James Coyne to host workshops at ANU: Using social media to write and promote your scientific papers

Date: Wednesday 10 September

Time: 9-10:30 or 11-12:30

Venue: Chelt Seminar Room, Building 10T1

To enrol in these workshops, please email Mark Paul – mark.paul@anu.edu.au


Social media provide a powerful set of tools for organising research teams, conducting research, crowdsourcing expertise, and obtaining preliminary peer review of your scientific papers. Social media also provide powerful ways to publicise and disseminate newly published papers to a broad audience.

Writing groups organised on the Internet increasingly publish papers in JAMA, PNAS and BMJ, as well as open access journals. Individual authors often develop their ideas in tweets, short and long read blog posts, and then solicit feedback on drafts.

Authors and universities increasingly engage in social media campaigns to publicise and discuss recently published papers. High impact journals undertake their own such efforts.

Powerful tools such as PubMed Commons provide increasingly respected post publication peer review. Alt-metrics now quantify such activities.

This workshop provides exposure and hands-on experience in use of these tools at all stages of writing and promoting scientific work.


1. Familiarise participants with tools such as Twitter, blogs, Rebel Mouse, and Facebook to develop research and promote it after publication.

2. Provide concrete case examples of successful application of these tools to both the knowledge production and dissemination.

3. Engage participants in utilizing these tools with the projects they bring to the workshop.

Workshop activities

Didactic presentation of tools and concrete examples of their application will be followed by a highly interactive session in which participants will be invited to develop their ideas for organising paper writing and subsequent promotion using social media.

Description of the intended participants

The workshop will be of greatest interest to junior and senior researchers who are actively writing papers.

Participants will be encouraged to bring ideas and works in progress. If they have forthcoming papers, they may use the workshop to construct social media strategies for promoting and disseminating their work.


++++++++++++++++  Speaker Bio: ++++++++++++++++

James C. Coyne, PhD is Professor of Health Psychology at University Medical Center, Groningen, the Netherlands where he teaches scientific writing and critical thinking. He is also Visiting Professor, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy & Aging Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

Dr. Coyne is Emeritus Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, where he was also Director of Behavioral Oncology, Abramson Cancer Center and Senior Fellow Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. He has served as External Scientific Advisor to a decade of European Commission funded community-based programs to improve care for depression in the community.

He has written over 350 articles and chapters, including systematic reviews of screening for distress and depression in medical settings and classic articles about stress and coping, couples research, and interpersonal aspects of depression. He has been designated by ISI Web of Science as one of the most impactful psychologists and psychiatrists in the world. His books include Screening for Depression in Clinical Settings: An Evidence-Based Review edited with Alex Mitchell (Oxford University Press; 2009).

He also blogs and is a regular contributor to the blog Science Based Medicine and to the PLOS One Blog, Mind the Brain. He is known for giving lively, controversial lectures using scientific evidence to challenge assumptions about the optimal way of providing psychosocial care and care for depression to medical patients.

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